What to Say

I have a short list of things to say below this photo, but the most important thing to remember is this:  

“Learning to live with an open heart is not about learning to say the right words and refraining from saying the wrong words. In fact, just the opposite. I would venture to say that when my heart is open and filled with God’s love, I cannot say it wrong, and when it is hardened and closed to Him, I simply cannot say it right, no matter how carefully I choose my words or phrases or inflections of my voice.”  (Virginia H. Pearce)

The most important thing is to go with a loving, calm presence and be willing to console and support. Take time to unify your heart and mind first. Be willing to sit in silence if needed. 

I am so sorry this has happened. 

I have been praying for you. 

I have been praying for you and asking for you to be comforted and find peace.

You are so loved.  

I am so sorry to hear of your loss. 

I've been thinking about you often over the last several days.   

I don't know what to say, but I know that I love you and want to ease this for you. 

You are special to me and I am so sorry for your loss. 

Perhaps share a story about their loved one that is positive and uplifting.  If you didn't know the person who died, share a some attributes about the griever that you have always admired.